However, some types of mortgages come with prepayment penalties.
After all, not having that recurring monthly payment while also getting to own your home free and clear can be a liberating feeling. Many people with the resources may think paying off their mortgage early makes sense. Current mortgage payment: The monthly payment, principal and interest, based on your original mortgage amount (doesn’t include current homeowners insurance or taxes).This rate will be lower than your annual percentage rate (APR), which does include these fees. Annual interest rate: The simple interest rate on your loan that doesn’t include private mortgage insurance (PMI), the origination fee or point(s) paid at the beginning of the mortgage.This is not to be confused with the remaining principal balance. Remaining mortgage amount: The amount you still have financed, including interest.Original mortgage term: The length of your original mortgage in years (15-, 20- and 30- year terms are the most common).Years remaining: The number of years left on your mortgage term.Current mortgage payment: The monthly payment, principal and interest, based on your original mortgage amount (doesn’t include current homeowners insurance or taxes)Īs you use the calculator, there are some mortgage terms that you’ll need to know.

Annual interest rate: The simple interest rate on your loan that doesn’t include private mortgage insurance, the origination fee or point(s) paid at the beginning of the mortgage (this is why this rate is lower than your annual percentage rate (APR), which does include these fees).

For a full list of these companies click here. If you submit your information on this site, one or more of these companies will contact you with additional information regarding your request.

ICB Solutions and Mortgage Research Center receive compensation for providing marketing services to a select group of companies involved in helping consumers find, buy or refinance homes. Neither, Mortgage Research Center nor ICB Solutions are endorsed by, sponsored by or affiliated with the U.S Department of Agriculture or any other government agency. ICB Solutions partners with a private company, Mortgage Research Center, LLC (NMLS #1907), that provides mortgage information and connects homebuyers with lenders. is a product of ICB Solutions, a division of Neighbors Bank.